Sunday, October 7, 2007


Concealers can do wonders for covering up many different problem areas of the skin.

They can do wonders for hiding tiny veins and blemishes on the skin for those people who do not or will not have laser treatment to fix these problems.

They are also excellent for hiding the natural shadows that many people have in areas of the face and in particular below the eyes.

Concealers don't actually improve any problems; they just hide them from view.

So you're not likely to get rid of black circles under the eyes by regularly using concealers but they can't do wonders for that area of the face where the skin is particularly thin.

To apply concealer around your eyes place a small amount on your finger tip and then gently dab it on the skin before smoothing it from the outside corner inwards and back again.

Be careful not to stretch the skin in this area as the skin is very thin and easily damaged.
The most important thing about using concealers is to ensure that you blend it in very well.
Concealers can be used either under or over foundation but no matter where you use them they must be blended for a natural look.

A cream concealer will generally be the type most suitable for the majority of people as the liquid concealers are often difficult to work with and a stick concealer risks the possibility of stretching and damaging your skin.

If you're using a concealer to cover up blemishes on your skin it is wise to check throughout the day to see whether additional blending might be necessary as your makeup begins to wear off.

When this happens the areas that have been covered with a concealer become more obvious and that is precisely what you don't want to happen.

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